Peripheral Vascular Devices – Market Insights – Canada

The Canadian market for PV devices is an evolving market in which an underdiagnosed and underserved patient population and innovative product launches will facilitate significant procedure volume expansion. However, cost constraints in the publicly funded health care system continue to hinder penetration of endovascular treatment; as a result, the Canadian PV device market will grow modestly through 2028, despite rising PVD diagnosis rates.

This Medtech 360 Report provides comprehensive data and analysis on the current state of the market for PV devices in Canada across a 10-year period.

The publication of the Katsanos study in late 2018 and its fallout had a significant impact on the DCB market in 2019.

What effect did data highlighting safety concerns with paclitaxel-coated devices have on the DCB market?

To what degree was DCBs  adoption in Canada curtailed over the forecast period?

How many competitors will enter the DCB market?

The COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 will cause a moderate decline in overall PV procedures and revenues in 2020.

What factors contribute to the market decline?

To what degree will the pandemic affect different PV device segments?

How soon will procedure volumes, sales, and revenues recover over the forecast period?

Endovascular PV adoption in Canada is significantly behind other developed health care markets, such as the US and Europe.

What factors contribute to this delay in adoption?

Will the uptake of endovascular techniques improve in Canada in the future?

What strategies can manufacturers implement to boost PV device use in Canada?

Manufacturers in Canada compete for hospital tender contracts.

How has this practice affected the Canadian PV competitive landscape?

To what degree will price competition to win contracts affect the market overall?

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